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Iannace Refrigerated Transport is a family owned company with head office in Adelaide SA. Current operations began in 1998 when we perceived a shortage in the specialised area of refrigerated food transport to clients in particular areas around Adelaide, especially the Hills areas to the east of the city. We quickly established a reputation for exceptional service and demand for expansion of our coverage quickly grew to include most of the Adelaide region.

Iannace Transport is an innovative and unique company within this specialised area of the transport industry. We have a passionate commitment to providing a personalised premium service, with an emphasis on flexibility, all at competitive rates to allow you a cost effective but satisfying solution to your transport needs. We believe that it is imperative that our customers know that we can contribute to their public image and reputation. We see the representation of your company to your clients as a joint responsibility, and our commitment to total quality of service is what we think instils the confidence of our existing clients that they can give their customers the service they need. We believe we can grow, and help you to grow your business, but only if we deliver. And delivering is our business.

Contact Details

Providing wholesalers in the food industry with an avenue to deliver their goods in the quickest time and with a guarantee of quality.

(08) 7073 7550

53 Woodforde Road, Magill, SA 5072


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